
POST /order/reissueorder

This method is used to reissue an SSL Certificate. It can be used if a customer has bought the Issuance Insurance during the order process or the product itself includes the free Issuance Insurance. This method reissues only SSL Certificate.

This method is also used if you want to add/remove SANs from your original order. Please note your reseller balance will be reflected accordingly. If you add more SANs (not Free) then a new debit transaction will be created and reflected on your reseller account statement.

Request Body application/json

  OrderReference integer A Valid integer order reference provided by Trustico® that represents the order optional
  FreeSan string If a product supports FreeSAN then you can put additional domains here (Multiple domains should be comma separated). Please refer this for more details optional
  FreeSanApprover string If a product requires individual approver E-Mail Address for each FreeSAN then add here in the same order as FreeSAN (Multiple approvers should be comma separated). You may call ‘GetApproverList’ method to get the allowed Approver E-Mail Addresses for each additional domain. optional
  SanPack string If a product supports SANPack then you can put additional domains here (Multiple domains should be comma separated). Please refer this for more details optional
  SANPackApprover string If a product requires individual approver E-Mail Address for each domain in SANPack then add here in the same order SANPack domains (Multiple approvers should be comma separated). You may call ‘GetApproverList’ method to get the allowed Approver E-Mail Addresses for each domain in SANPack. optional
  SANIndividual string If a product supports SANIndividual then you can put additional domains here. If a product supports Wildcard SAN then you can add it here. (Multiple domains should be comma separated). Please note that if a product supports SANPack and SANIndividual both then you must first use SANPack then for any other additional domains you can user SANIndividual. Please refer this for more details optional
  SanIndividualApprover string If a product requires individual approver E-Mail Address for each domain in SANIndividual then add here in the same order SANIndividual domains (Multiple approvers should be comma separated). You may call ‘GetApproverList’ method to get the allowed Approver E-Mail Addresses for each domain in SANIndividual. optional
  CSR string The common name in the CSR matches the common name from in the original order. The organization information must match the original order. optional

Responses application/json

200 Schema
    SuccessCode integer 1 (Ok) - 0 (Error) required
    SuccessMSG string It shows Success message if an SSL is reissued successfully optional
    ErrorMsg array One or more error strings (returned only when SuccessCode is 0) optional